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  • #2081630

    LOGOUT script


    by netwill ·

    Instead of logon script, how can I implement “logout” script when user (from win95/win98/NT wks) logout and shutdown their computers?

    Appreciate any info!

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    • #3896709

      LOGOUT script

      by ecomboy ·

      In reply to LOGOUT script

      Try using a bat file. The first statement would be “run windows”. The next one “logout”. When it executes during bootup the batch file will run windows when the user clicks shutdown the focus will be moved back to the batch file where the next statement will be executed – logoff.

    • #3896703

      LOGOUT script

      by simon.wellborne ·

      In reply to LOGOUT script

      The previous answer might work for you on Win9x machines, but will not work for WinNT.

      WIndows NT can support 3rd Party GINA’s which will enable you to execute a logoff script.

      You can locate on of those GINA’s at this location:

      Look for the section NewGINA.

      Unfortunately there is no easy way of executing a logoff script with MS products at this stage. I have seen some admins use a batch file on the desktop (called shutdown) which executes the logoff script and when finished shuts down the workstation. But this method relies on the users to execute it – which can be it’s downfall.

      Good luck.

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