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  • #3937944

    Looking for a 3-5 page application, splash screen, first page has one…

    by tenbuckchucks ·

    Looking for a 3-5 page application, splash screen, first page has one button, button generates a sequenced list based on a set of variables.

    So data set one is image 1-100

    Data set two is the title that matches the image

    Data set three are the numbers between 8-25

    Data set four is numbers between 3-5

    When you click the button it generates 8 image cards from the first set and applies one of the numbers from each other two data sets to it
    After clicking button on the landing page, you have a scrolling page of 8 scrolling image cards, with text underneath with pertinent data sets included, each time the button is click it is random once again.

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