
  • Creator
  • #2143627

    Looking for an app to play encrypted vid offline and track vid usage.

    by ftrudgen ·


    I am working with a small community development social enterprise business, with an already fully functioning website ( and web base learning platform ( We are now looking for a program/application where encrypted video, audio products can be used offline by other health, education and rural companies/services and when the user comes back online the product usage data is uploaded. Also, Why Warriors needs to clearly see usage of each product.
    We have looked at online services like Skillshare, Teachable, Thinkific, Podia etc, but none of these programs offer offline. As we want these products to be used in rural & remote Aboriginal areas across Australia, where internet access can be a massive problem for a people who want to learn, offline is paramount
    We are looking for any apps for iOS, Android and desktop out there that the business can use or looking for anybody who is willing to help in development of an app.

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