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  • #2145045

    Looking for Specific Media Software for a project

    by cooldude28 ·

    Hello, I am trying to start a 24/7 media stream with a television style format. Let me elaborate, my basic idea is to have a internet stream on platforms such as YouTube and twitch with an old familiar sort of tv format style to it. This would include commercials after every so often and little transition bumpers or external eyecatches. The question is where exactly can I find software where you can set some sort of weekly schedule and one that automatically takes a 5 minute break and has these transition bumpers, hopefully one with a user interface that’s easy to use, where can I find something like this? Where can I even get started? I am young and inexperienced so I am not familiar with any program that can do these things and how much it would cost to use it. I have a good idea of what type of media I would stream and how to run a 24/7 stream, but I’ve searched a bit and cant really find any softwate for these little important details. If any of y’all could help me out I would be forever thankful

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