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  • #3937423

    Loop or Bus topology

    by newguy34 ·

    I’m a college IT student and also just got my first part-time job in the field. My boss (the main IT guy in our office) directed me to recommend a networking strategy for our new satellite office. He specifically said that he wanted me to find a way to do it cheap. My Operating Systems book says that there are some advantages of loop and bus toplogies over a star topology. Should I recommend one of these to my boss?

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    • #3939976
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      Hold up.

      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to Loop or Bus topology

      The current networks we see in use in offices are star topology for wired unless you want to talk about WiFi which is still a star up to the Wireless Access Point (WAP.)

      So save yourself here and tell me about ANY loop and bus topology that I can head to the typical computer store and buy what I need.

      Spoiler: You should not recommend loop and bus solution for an office today.

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