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  • #2141887

    low fps on ultrawide monitor

    by minnowow ·


    so i recently got an ultrawide monitor for my pc. it works fine for most games and software. but for some reason it runs some relatively low demanding games at really low frame rates, I’ve already checked and they have ultrawide support. the games it struggles with also take up less than 1 percent of the cpu so I’m just wondering what my possible problems could be. any help would be appreciated thanks.

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    • #2416365

      Try this

      by jessewalter375 ·

      In reply to low fps on ultrawide monitor

      70 FPS+ in AC Odyssey is actually what you should expect in that high of a resolution, so I don’t see a problem here.
      Try turning down the antialiasing, because it makes it so you render in even higher resolution, but depending on your position versus your screen, you might not see a significant improvement, or no improvement at all.

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