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  • #4010099

    M2 Macbook Air no longer connecting to wifi after updating


    by mariadwyer ·


    Ever since i updated to the latest Ventura Beta, it no longer connects to internet, it can connect to wifi but not internet and it no longer connects to iphone hotspot. anyone else experiencing this? restarts on both modem and laptop have not remedied this.

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    • #4010100
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      Reply To: M2 Macbook Air no longer connecting to wifi after updating

      by birdmantd ·

      In reply to M2 Macbook Air no longer connecting to wifi after updating

      I suspect one of two possibilities: either a required driver/application was corrupted or an internal component has died. If you have access to a USB Wi-Fi stick, you could use that to test the computer. Is the Macbook still under warranty? In addition, have you tried another Wi-Fi network with the computer and had the same result?

      I haven’t owned a MacBook Air since the first model, that I sold more than a couple of years back, so I can’t offer any direct advice.

      I hope there will be some additional suggestions offered by others. Please let the community know what happens.

    • #4010104
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      A thing I always try.

      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to M2 Macbook Air no longer connecting to wifi after updating

      I always try the old Forget the WiFi connections and try again.

      • #4010106
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        Reply To: M2 Macbook Air no longer connecting to wifi after updating

        by birdmantd ·

        In reply to A thing I always try.

        Definitely agree with forget/re-entering the network for troubleshooting.

    • #4010126
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      Running a Beta version of an OS

      by mrmacfixit ·

      In reply to M2 Macbook Air no longer connecting to wifi after updating

      has always been problematic, especially if you have no way of going back to a known good version of the OS.
      Is there any chance you have an external device, SSD or HDD that you can boot the MBA from?

      You say that the MBA can connect to WiFi but cannot reach the internet. Even though the MBA gives every indication that it is connected, that check mark and the “fan” icon, that symptom can also indicate that while there is a wireless signal to which MBA is connected, there is actually no Data on that signal. Do you have any other devices that use you WiFi successfully?
      I note that the MBA has no ethernet port, so unless you have a USB “c” to Ethernet adapter, connecting directly to the modem, without WiFi, is not a troubleshooting option.

      Failing that, the suggestion to “Forget Networks” is a valid one.
      Let us know.

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