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  • #2142230

    Macbook air failure

    by mdpitroda ·


    I have been a big fan of an apple. I bought a brand new Macbook air (i5/8GB/128GB/13.3″/MacOS Sierra) in the end of November 2017. It was a big money for me and I bought it from my savings thinking that apple products wouldn’t fail like others; I was expecting it to last for at least 6 years given the reputation of apple reputation.
    It worked fine apart from its fan being noisy sometimes until mid of April 2020. When lock-down in our country was imposed, while working from home on 17th April 2020 in the evening hours, it just went off. When I tried to turn it on it would get stuck at login screen. I googled it and tried many things like SMC reset, PRAM reset, reinstalling the OS and even took help from Apple support guys. I worked with them for 15 days on fixing my macbook air but nothing worked.
    So when the lockdown was lifted a bit I took the machine to one of the authorized Apple store for diagnostic. They tried on their own but then sent it to authorized service centre in Bangalore, India. In couple of days they said that the logic board is dead. I mean how this is even possible that a logic board blows up randomly or rather due to poor engineering. Is this is quality of products that Apple has come to accept? You would think that they would admit to screwing up, and offer to foot the bill for repairing the machine.
    Has anyone else had a similar issue with Apple? I’m at a loss here, as I’m worried the laptop will just end up blowing another logic board if I pay to repair it, as this seems to be a major design error

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    • #2418075


      by jens deferme ·

      In reply to Macbook air failure

      Sounds very strange that the logic board blows up

      Best regards

      Jens Deferme

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