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    Macbook Pro 15 2018 Touchbar não inicializa – does not boot the system

    by inaciovictor110 ·


    Macbook Pro 15 2018 with touch bar.
    Mac only turns on if you plug in the charger and press the power button at the same time
    I apologize for the mistakes in English, I don’t write fluently.
    When pressing the button to turn on the computer turns on but does not display anything on the screen or lights on the keyboard. (I know it is on because I hear the fan running, sometimes slowly and sometimes at full speed).
    I tried to reset the SMC and NVRAM but it didn’t solve the problem.
    The only way to make the computer start is to press the power button several times while I connect and disconnect the charger cable. After several attempts and after trying several key combinations the apple logo appears and the computer turns on normally with everything working. I did tests with third-party applications and using apple’s diagnostics (holding the D key at startup), and no problems were detected.
    As I said earlier, after I get the computer to turn on everything works normally. If I put it to restart or shut down and try to turn it on after a few minutes it will turn on normally, but if a long time passes the problem will come back.
    I took it to Apple, unfortunately apple support in Brazil is terrible, the problem was not detected and the logic board was condemned, causing them to charge an absurd amount to exchange it. After my disappointment with Apple’s technical support, I took him on two other third-party assistance.
    The technician said that the computer had small points of oxidation and that it would clean and give the chemical bath on the plate. After cleaning the problem still persisted. Some capacitors were changed but did not solve the problem. After 2 weeks the technician gave up, and said that in the voltage tests everything was ok, I couldn’t identify the problem. In the other assistance the same happened.

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