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  • #2144427

    MacBook Pro file sharing

    by bectech ·


    Hi, I’d like to get a MacBook Pro but wonder if it will make things difficult with sharing files between my android mobile (OnePlus) and vice versa? Any general advice useful.

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    • #2416113
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      Email or Dropbox would solve any problem

      by mrmacfixit ·

      In reply to MacBook Pro file sharing

      that may arise


    • #2416098

      I have an android mobile.

      by rilvana ·

      In reply to MacBook Pro file sharing

      I bought my Macbook pro not long time ago and I was worried as well if I could share files between my android and MacBook pro. I did it via email and I didn’t have any problem.

    • #2416074

      MacBook Pro file sharing

      by sophiakaile49 ·

      In reply to MacBook Pro file sharing

      Can I get the best way to share the file from mac. Because I am facing some issue when I share the files from my mac to other

      • #2415796
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        Depends on what platform (OS) you want to share with.

        by mrmacfixit ·

        In reply to MacBook Pro file sharing

        If it’s two Mac’s, no problem. Put the file in the Shared folder and the other Mac user can access them there.
        If it is windows there are a couple of ways you can do it.
        Dropbox and Email have already been covered above.
        Connecting to a Shared Folder on the Windows machine is an option.
        Another alternative, regardless of OS platform, is Google Docs. Just a thought


    • #2416809

      MacBook Pro file sharing

      by arinamichel911 ·

      In reply to MacBook Pro file sharing

      You can use MacBook file sharing software it will help you to share large files very easily. Try it

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