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  • #3937462

    MacOS – kernel trap?

    by lilbran ·

    So I woke up this morning, opened my MacBook and saw there was a kernel panic screen being displayed. The first line said that there was a kernel trap and I noticed that towards the bottom of the screen, it said Mac OS version: Not yet set.

    Does this mean my hard drive has died? Everytime I reboot the computer, it keeps going back to this screen. I cant seem to get passed it.

    Is there a way to fix this?

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    • #3938523
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      More details please.

      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to MacOS – kernel trap?

      That message is not unknown as to the source. I’d google it for more ideas such as
      But do try SAFE MODE.

    • #3940624

      Try these methods to resolve the issue

      by abby1991 ·

      In reply to MacOS – kernel trap?

      The most likely cause for a Kernel Trap or Kernel Panic issue occurs in MacOS is faulty software, damaged or incompatible hardware, including external drives attached to the Mac. To fix the issue, try the below steps:

      1. Restart your Mac in Safe Mode and check for updates.
      2. Uninstall any plug-ins or 3rd party software from manufacturers other than Apple.
      3. Disconnect all connected devices.
      4. Use Apple diagnostics to diagnose the problem.

      Further, you can check the below link:

      Hope it helps!

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