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  • #2143105


    by rendanii ·


    How would you handle a malware threat on a major production server?

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All Answers

  • Author
    • #2419309

      Malware handling

      by pooja1588142131 ·

      In reply to Malware

      You can handle malware threats on a major production server by updating your software periodically. You should also update your hardware i.e. these types of attacks involve stealing your devices or equipment. You should also encrypt your data to protect your organization from data breaches. Also, provide training to your employees about how they should be aware of security threats and most importantly backup your data from time to time.

    • #2413463

      layered security

      by patriciaslucia ·

      In reply to Malware

      Hi Rendanii – have you considered layered security protection? If not, this could work well with any other malware blocking you have in place. Look for An IT pros guide to layered security, and this should give you the information you need.

      Put very basic, layered security is architecturally built allowing each security layer to compound with the others to form a fully functioning sphere of security. The internal network and its data are surrounded by powerful and interwoven layers that an attacker must defeat. Try something like this to get you started

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