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  • #4165825

    Malware using disabled network card and disabled Bluetooth?

    by Oblivion99 ·

    Dear all

    I have an offline laptop which I use to backup my data.

    I have disconnected the laptop from my own network.
    I have turned off the wifi function in Windows.
    I have disabled network card and Network adapters in device manager.

    Does the following malware exist?
    A malware that gives backdoor access to my laptop using the laptops own network card – while still showing in Windows that:
    Wifi function is off
    Network card and Network adapters are disabled in device manager
    The laptop being offline

    I have turned off Bluetooth function in Windows
    I have disabled Bluetooth in device manager.

    Does the following malware exist?
    A malware that gives backdoor access to my laptop using the laptops own Bluetooth hardware – while still showing in Windows that:
    Bluetooth function is off
    Bluetooth disabled in device manager

    Would it reguire exceptionel skill to create such a malware? Like NSA level?

    Thank you

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    • #4165853
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      Re: offline

      by kees_b ·

      In reply to Malware using disabled network card and disabled Bluetooth?

      If the laptop turned off it won’t work.
      If it is turned on (so you can check what it shows in Windows) and connected to your home network (so you can copy files to it from your PC) that malware can use your PC to reach the internet.
      So there is no need for the scenario’s you wrote about, I’d say.

      For added security, log on into the laptop using a non-administrator account to receive your backup files.

    • #4166276
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      Reply To: Malware using disabled network card and disabled Bluetooth?

      by birdmantd ·

      In reply to Malware using disabled network card and disabled Bluetooth?

      I have to ask, is this just paranoia or have you been hacked before?

      • #4166530

        Elaborate please

        by Oblivion99 ·

        In reply to Reply To: Malware using disabled network card and disabled Bluetooth?

        “If it is turned on (so you can check what it shows in Windows) and connected to your home network (so you can copy files to it from your PC) that malware can use your PC to reach the internet.”

        Can you please try to elaborate. I am not sure I understand what you mean?

        Thank you

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