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    Margaret W. tarrant: Tales the Letters Tell

    by john.a.wills ·


    I recently acquired a copy of Book III, which I had in school in the equivalent of grade 3 or 4. It contains a lot of stuff of interest to adults as well as children, e.g. a short biography of Damien de Veuster, stories of the Graeco-Roman and Norse gods, what-have-you. It was issued in 1923 (I used it in school about 30 years later). Now, what about Books I and II? Has anyone ever come across them? There is a Book IV on Amazon, as I found via Qwant, but it is a bit expensive for casual addition to my library, and I don’t like Amazon much anyway. Tarrant was the illustrator of Book III; the editor is not given any credit. Someone else illustrated Book IV. I am wondering whether The Songs the Letters Sing, for those who cannot yet read at all fluently, and which were also illustrated by Tarrant, may have constituted books I and II as predecessors to Book III.

    Does anyone know answers to the questions implicit here?

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