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  • #3938030

    Markdown Table in Postman documentation not rendered properly in newman-htm

    by rosmannatalie ·

    I am using newman with htmlextra to run a Postman collection and generate an html report as per instructions 1.

    I have used a table within the Postman documentation section which is in Markdown format, something like this :

    200 success
    404 no_data_found No saved report found for the logged-in user
    It renders properly in Postman

    However, when I open the htmlextra report, it looks something like this :

    htmlextra report 1

    Has someone come across this issue before? Any ideas would be helpful.

    Thanks in advance.

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    • #3939440
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      Sounds like the tutorial at link has an error or omission.

      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to Markdown Table in Postman documentation not rendered properly in newman-htm

      Contact and feed back to the author so they can possibly fix it.

      See if there is a mailing list or support for those products and join there as these products are rarely mentioned in forums such as here.

      -> See if there is a /r group too. I’ve found reddit to be the replacement for old school mail lists.

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