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  • #2082820

    MCSE vs Oracle DBA-Proj. Mngmnt–>CIO


    by adadl ·

    I am a Helpdesk/Technician(A+ cert.) 4 years exp. want to know more about duties and work habits of an MCSE vs Oracle DBA and where each of the jobs lead eventually. The target is to be CIO/VP of I.T. I have 3 Bachelor degrees, MIS, Marketing, Bus, Admin.(long story).Still interested in pursuing an MBA in few years. 1.Do Network Administrators have similar work hours as do Oracle DBA’s? 2.Can either job lead to Project Management with a stepping stone to CIO? Should I get a Job with a consulting firm that will train i.e. The Revere group which has entry level-Project Management/ and skip the certs? If I go for any certs which would be better to get? I’m deciding between MCSE/Oracle DBA cert (If the Oracle DBA job requires too muchprogramming then I’ll skip Oracle DBA but from info. I’ve gathered, there hardly is any programming except for writing batch files, sql statements pl-sql. Do I need any of these certs to move up to Project Managent?

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    • #3897235

      MCSE vs Oracle DBA-Proj. Mngmnt–>CIO

      by mcse lee ·

      In reply to MCSE vs Oracle DBA-Proj. Mngmnt–>CIO

      See my answers to your questions as posted in the other Forum, and e-mail me at:

    • #3900518

      MCSE vs Oracle DBA-Proj. Mngmnt–>CIO

      by r_hariharan ·

      In reply to MCSE vs Oracle DBA-Proj. Mngmnt–>CIO

      As an ORACLE DBA u need complete understanding of the database, the internals, how they work etc.. apart from knowing the database, you will have to be actively involved in the business rules of the organization, checking the constraints, sizings ofrelated tables and a load of activity which need good planning and scheduling. you will have an excellent opportunity to perform well by tuning and upholding the performance of the data base
      have a proven backup and recovery strategy especially in a 24×7 environment

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