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  • #3937430

    Meeting Apps

    by albiestrange ·

    What do you guys do to manage all the different meeting applications that people install?

    Nowadays, we have LogMeIn, WebEx, GoToMeeting, etc. installed on our systems because so many meetings are online, and everyone uses something different. What if you want to secure your environment, and have one standardized solution for meetings? We can tell everyone that they can only use MS Teams, but when they meet with outside organizations that use something else they end up installing that too.

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    • #3940002
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      We don’t manage such. We use them.

      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to Meeting Apps

      If you or your IT feels it’s a security threat then install such in a container or Virtual Machine.

      The major reason there’s been a proliferation is that phone and other computing machine power along with our networks have grown in power. Also, no one wanted to pay for meeting apps so good luck trying to get everyone to use a single standard. The competition is what is keeping this stuff free.

    • #3940001
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      Re: Meeting apps

      by kees_b ·

      In reply to Meeting Apps

      A lot of those meeting tools can run inside a browser, although maybe with somewhat less features. No need than to install anything.

      I think all of them can run on a phone (I assume most employees have one and can install apps on it) or a tablet. The company might buy a few tablets to use for meetings.

      Or IT can allocate a few PC’s on a central location or a few laptops they manage themselves (call those a virtual meeting room, so they can be booked via Outlook), that have all those applications.

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