
  • Creator
  • #2143531

    Memory usage too high

    by kokoro01 ·

    Hi there.

    So for a few weeks now the base memory usage has been really high, and it’s preventing me from playing games and such. I reach 100% during software usage, and as 3.3/8GB after a fresh restart with nothing else running.
    I’ve disabled some services and when i check task manager there’s only Chrome taking almost nothing (100mb). So it’s impossible to see what the reason is.

    Any ideas ?

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  • Author
    • #2421811

      What version of Windows is involved here?

      by oh smeg ·

      In reply to Memory usage too high

      I would start looking at the Swap/Page File which is a Temporary area on the HDD that is used to store files in use, if this is too small the Temporary Files will be moved to RAM which will provide faster performance but will also increase the amount of RAM that is used and decrease the amount available for use.

    • #2422865

      Give more details

      by vipul rajput ·

      In reply to Memory usage too high

      Can you please tell your laptop specification?
      Are you using SSD or HDD

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