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  • #2082997

    Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase SQL 11.9


    by the_noid ·

    I am currently working on a project that warrants a COMPLETE database rewrite. The ‘tunnelvision’ of this project is to take a database from a Sybase 11.9 store on a SunSparc, import it into a MS SQL Server 7.0 database (same schema and data) then convert it into a fully relational MS SQL v7.0 database. Looks good on paper!

    I cannot seem to get the Sybase database to open under ANYTHING on the MS side. I have tried the ODBC with the Sybase ODBC DLLs for Sybase 11.9 but that only produces error messages. The funny thing is that if I use the wrong password, it tells me that login was incorrect…but if the password IS correct it won’t acknowledge anything else.

    I know that this is sort of a vague question so lets just sum it up like this, what is the EASIEST way to take a SyBase 11.9 database on a SunSparc (RAW data) and import it into a MS SQL database with the same schema and data?

    Thank You

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    • #3898096

      Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase SQL 11.9

      by aetrevitt ·

      In reply to Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase SQL 11.9

      Have you tried importing the schema and data using SQL Server 7’s DTS Import Wizard?

      If so, what error messages (if any?) are you getting.

      The general description of the errors you got are familiar, one avenue to explore is to check that full permissions for your NT ‘user’ are available on the Sybase/SunSparc end, as this type of error has cropped up when I’ve worked with, for example, AS/400 permissions.

      I’ve recently done a Sybase 11.5 to SQL Server 7 transfer with no problems.

      Get in touch and we’ll sort this one out together.

      Anna Trevitt
      Consultant, ADS

    • #3896183

      Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase SQL 11.9

      by gicu artistu’ ·

      In reply to Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase SQL 11.9

      If the answer no.1 doesn’t provide the right solution then you could consider the following:
      1. Every SQL server has (as you pointed) some DLL’s for the client server part. Did you get the latest ones?
      2. If you did and you still cannot do your job, then you could consider some other tools for importing (ODBC is a Microsoft solution and relies heavily on UNICODE strings which for some UNIX’es is foreign language), like JDBC or BDE (Borland database engine).
      3. The latest and the greatest,you could transform your database into CSV files and transport them to your MSSQL server and import them from those files.

      The number 3 is really a Golgota so probably you should look into 1 and 2.


    • #3741203

      Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase SQL 11.9

      by the_noid ·

      In reply to Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase SQL 11.9

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