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  • #2143289

    Microsoft Windows For Mutiple PCs

    by soft4home ·


    Is there any genuine place to buy Microsoft Windows multiple licenses at best price? please help.

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    • #2418532

      Not sure what you want here

      by oh smeg ·

      In reply to Microsoft Windows For Mutiple PCs

      It could be you want to buy volume licenses for a single company then provided you need 5 or more licenses you can buy Microsoft Volume License Product.

      However if you want individual Licenses for different Licensed Windows/Office Product you need to buy individual Licenses.

      Depending on the number required Microsoft Directly for large numbers or one of their Business Resellers for lower numbers.

      Remember you can not go Overseas and buy Microsoft Product in places like India if you live in a different country. Microsoft has not licensed those products for use in First World Countries and they are considered as Forgeries and subject to Normal Microsoft Legal Actions.

    • #2419331


      by manojshu10 ·

      In reply to Microsoft Windows For Mutiple PCs

      You can visit on Microsoft website for genuine Windows Products at best price.

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