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  • #2099139

    Microsoft’s ASP Goals are ridiculous!


    by shanghai sam ·

    I read an article today off of Tech Republic where Steve Ballmer laid out his plans for Microsoft’s movement into the ASP Application Service Provider world.

    As Ballmer put it: “Software will all evolve to become a service…Most will use software services because it’s more convenient,”

    Well guess what Steve Ballmer? I’ve got news for you. It will never happen.

    1.) Not everyone who uses a PC has an internet connection. Moreover, the majority of internet connections are supplied to users by MODEMS. Hey Steve!, Can you say “slow and unreliable connections”? I knew you could! Who the hell is going to wait the interminably long time required to conduct business using applications provided for over phone lines. Whatever….
    2.) Hey Steve, did you forget that Microsoft doesn’t exactly have a squeaky clean image, record or history of the way it treats information that it has about its competitors and customers? Do you think that Citibank, Hewlett Packard, every insurance company on the planet and every other business that deals with multi millions of dollars, customer info and such is going to turn over that information to you (Microsoft) through the use of an application service provider? Didn’t think so.

    3) Finally we all know why Microsoft is continuing to push this ASP crap, even though tons of ASPs in the country have already failed fantastically! You simply want to prevent the crackers and hackers out there from having access to your software, code and products. Tighter control means less software piracy and lower costs gained by the elimination of CD production.

    Yes Steve, we see through your plan! It’s all about Microsoft isn’t it? It really has nothing to do with your customers at all.
    When will Microsoft realizes this and stops traveling down a path that is certain to be its downfall?

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    • #3683994

      What’s more…

      by boyhowdy ·

      In reply to Microsoft’s ASP Goals are ridiculous!

      … Did you see the Terms of Use for MS Passport before Today? They were saying that they owned the copyright to any information sroed on their machines.


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