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  • #2299480

    Migrate NT 4 to new server


    by y2j ·


    I have a PDC with 2 BDCs. I need to replace the PDC with a new server as the server is quite old. I need to migrate all the date over and retain all the required settings as well as the server name. Any advise. Thanks.

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    • #3392665

      Migrate NT 4 to new server

      by jgenovesi ·

      In reply to Migrate NT 4 to new server

      I’ve done this a few years ago with only a few minor problems. Here’s basicly the steps I followed:
      -Backup all data
      -Sync domain, then promote a BDC to PDC
      -Shutdown PDC to be replaced
      -delete account from domain
      -Load OS on new server and join domain as BDC with the computer name of old server
      -promote BDC to PDC
      -restore data files

      If you have several printers, like we did, I exported the print key from the registry.

      Good luck!

    • #3396758

      Migrate NT 4 to new server

      by matthew ·

      In reply to Migrate NT 4 to new server

      1) buy server and unbox
      2) connect to the network and install as another BDC
      3) full backup tape
      4)use xcopy in dos copy all the files and folder from one server to the other – adminstrator needs full control over all folder this will keep permissions
      5)stick PDC with all the files in the cuboard for two weeks in the dark..
      6) then change the name of the server
      7) after restart and all the server pack ect rename
      8)promote it to the primary

    • #3521242

      Migrate NT 4 to new server

      by y2j ·

      In reply to Migrate NT 4 to new server

      This question was closed by the author

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