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  • #2073589

    Missing HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE subtree


    by hlpears ·

    Someone previously has taken away the rights to view the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE subtree. I would like to make a backup of my shares, but obviously can’t get to the local subtree. Is there an easy way to get the rights back?

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    • #3894716

      Missing HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE subtree

      by bseay ·

      In reply to Missing HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE subtree

      Yep there is…

      Get that person to give you back those rights back. Otherwise you’re pretty much screwed.

      Bill Seay

    • #3894710

      Missing HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE subtree

      by guy ·

      In reply to Missing HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE subtree

      Log on as Administrator (or administrator rights). Run RegEdt32 (not Regedit).
      Select HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, then go to the Security Menu (High up), then Permissions, then give the administrator Change permission. Only members of the local group Administrator’s can make this change.

      • #3894664

        Missing HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE subtree

        by hlpears ·

        In reply to Missing HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE subtree

        Can’t see the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHIME because the user must have had Admin rights.
        Thanks Hank

    • #3894690

      Missing HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE subtree

      by stefan.mcintyre ·

      In reply to Missing HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE subtree

      There’re only two reasons why that’s happened:
      1. login rights (by login or policy) doesn’t allow you that access in which case you’ll have to have someone with administrator rights back that up for you or give you the rights to do so.

      2. Corrupted registry, which means try the following:

      a: do a repair IMMEDIATELY (hopefully with the restore disk you made earlier.

      b: You can try to use REGCLEAN (from REGEDIT.COM) it helped me clear up a few registry problems.

      c: Do a repair w/ the NT Workstation cd. and just repair the system files.

      d: do an UPGRADE install of the same version of NT and see if it restores puts back to where it was.

      GOOD LUCK.

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