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  • #2143631

    Mobile app to execute few tasksdaily

    by naseemsk ·


    Hi, I want to build a mobile app which does the following daily at 8 am
    1. Open a hyperlink
    2. Login with credentials
    3. Download apk or ipa to to mobile phone.

    App should run when it is locked. Is this possible to ?

    Pls suggest tempeh framework which can be used to simplify the development process. I m new to mobile app development.

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    • #2421866


      by deborasumopayroll ·

      In reply to Mobile app to execute few tasksdaily

      However, technology is also our friend – the right mobile apps and web tools can drastically simplify your life in this tech-driven workforce. With relevant apps, you’ll not only get your work done faster and more easily, but the end result will be even better. (And, you’ll seem like quite the innovator and problem-solver among your team, teaching others how to work smarter, not harder, too!)

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