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  • Creator
  • #2104724

    Modem Issues


    by ashby ·

    Here is the problem we have and old
    PPC7300 with 224MB RAM in it. We
    purchased a US Robotics modem the
    other week we can dial up, but that’s
    about it. It frequently kicks her off-line.
    She is usually kicked off after 5-10
    minutes on the internet. the modem that
    she is using (the new one) is not an
    option in the modem list. she called the
    company last week and they didn’t help at
    I tried TIL article 24803 but we are still
    having a problem

All Comments

  • Author
    • #3815833

      Modem Issues

      by wlbowers ·

      In reply to Modem Issues

      You might find a new modem script on
      apples website. If not they have a
      program Modem Script Generator. It will
      help you build a script file for your
      modem. By using at commands you can
      configure the modem to be more
      understanding duringit’s connection.


      • #3708207

        Modem Issues

        by ashby ·

        In reply to Modem Issues

        Poster rated this answer

    • #3692339

      Modem Issues

      by landotek ·

      In reply to Modem Issues

      You may want to select a slower maximum baud rate for your connection. Connections which connect successfully and then disconnect after a while are often due to not being able to sustain a high speed connection due to poor signal quality. Bumping the connection speed down one notch may alleviate the problem, or at least help you isolate the cause of the problem. If lowering the speed doesn’t help, then you can be sure it’s the modem, not the phone line.

      • #3708208

        Modem Issues

        by ashby ·

        In reply to Modem Issues

        Poster rated this answer

    • #3708206

      Modem Issues

      by ashby ·

      In reply to Modem Issues

      This question was closed by the author

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