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  • #2140610


    by bob.b ·


    If I bring up a moderator’s profile I see a button marked flag.
    What does that button do?

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    • #2418962
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      If it’s the one I see.

      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to Moderator/flag

      It allows you to send a notification to moderators about a post.
      At present it appears the moderation system is broken with only 2 or 3 moderators actually able to edit and delete so it’s slow going as we wait for the few moderators that can cleanup a spam post.

      • #2418958
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        by rproffitt ·

        In reply to If it’s the one I see.

        If you see the flag option in a profile, then it’s to flag/alert/report something about that member.

      • #2418956


        by bob.b ·

        In reply to If it’s the one I see.

        I see a flag option at the bottom of every post where I can ask for some action about that post.

        If I bring up a moderator’s profile I see a flag button.
        So if I click on that button I can then ask for some action on some post?

        The moderation system is not the only thing that’s busted on these forums.

        Use your managerial muscle and get us a forum where we can discuss areas the forums need work.

        I’ve been trying for 20 days via tech support to get techrepub to send me an e-mail when a discussion I’m following gets an update………..still no mail alerts yet.

        • #2418954
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          Sorry to hear…

          by birdmantd ·

          In reply to Flag

          As moderators, we can only submit requests to the engineers when members such as yourself point out problems that need to be investigated. We don’t have the ability to correct them ourselves We have to send requests through the necessary channels and it can take time for resolution.

        • #2418949

          Pointing out a problem….how?

          by bob.b ·

          In reply to Sorry to hear…

          I don’t see a forum that lends itself to pointing out a problem with the forums.

          After hours?
          I can stick a problem in there and hope that some M comes along and reads it.

          I did report the mail problem using the ‘site help and feedback’ link……20 days ago.

          That got me a nice case number but no mail.

        • #2416782

          Bob and I are used to Proffitt

          by nopremx ·

          In reply to Sorry to hear…

          being able to unclog forums, walk on water and the rest.
          You’re correct of course. Where’s Lee Koo now that we need him?

        • #2418953
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          As others noted.

          by rproffitt ·

          In reply to Flag

          This is a broken forum system. It remains a mystery to us new moderators why it remains broken for so long.
          My bet is email alerts are probably borked as they were on the CNET forums.

        • #2418952
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          I’ve done what I can in reporting issues,

          by Wizard57M-TR ·

          In reply to As others noted.

          especially about the email notices. We as moderators don’t get some of them, as whomever is responsible for the HTML has the “sendto” address all wrong. Moderator tools here on the forum come and go…thankfully I can still perform most of my moderator tasks at the CMS. Hoping for someone to look into the issues when the staff is back.

          Re: flagging a profile…that flag may be on anyone’s profile, it is when I view them! Every now and then I check the CMS for flagged users and handle them as required!
          Wiz 😉

        • #2418948

          Profile flag

          by bob.b ·

          In reply to I’ve done what I can in reporting issues,

          So the flag button beside the user profile is to express some issue about the user?

          I suppose I could just click on the button and see what pops up for test purpose.

        • #2418947
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          It’s there……

          by birdmantd ·

          In reply to Profile flag

          to either report an issue with a user or content posted by a user, such as spam, vulgarity or unrelated material within the forum (just to name a few items).

        • #2416781


          by nopremx ·

          In reply to It’s there……

          Due to my poor sleeping habits I used to flag spam (in the US), and one of the European Mods would be on duty to snag it.

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