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  • #2075635

    Monitoring Browsing


    by kenm ·

    I have been asked to look into monitoring the browsing activity of our network.
    A NT network with MS Proxy server as the gateway. Now I can check the proxy logs to monitor browser “inappropreate” browsing, but is/are there any plug-ins, filters that can be added to the proxy server to:
    1- monitor browsing for type of sites configured, and to send an alert.
    2- Set up to give reports that can be configured to my needs.

    Any help would be most appreciated.

    Ken Mahren

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    • #3782893

      Monitoring Browsing

      by corky132 ·

      In reply to Monitoring Browsing

      The most popular programs for log reporting are webtrends ( and webspy (

      Webtrends does both Website logs and proxy logs. So it’s a bit general where reports are concerned.

      Webspy is specifically set for proxylogs. So it’s much easier to setup reports (general browsing trends, reports by username, or IP address). It works with many types of proxies (MS, Netscape, Bordermanager, etc).

      There’s also a plugin for proxy that can block (or filter) websites based on categories (sex, drugs, illegal, shopping, job searching, etc). It’s called Websense ( it’s comparable to surfwatch… but the updates are all on the proxy, and not on each individual workstation.

      Hope this helps.

    • #3784572

      Monitoring Browsing

      by corky132 ·

      In reply to Monitoring Browsing

      The most popular programs for log reporting are webtrends ( and webspy (

      Webtrends does both Website logs and proxy logs. So it’s a bit general where reports are concerned.

      Webspy is specifically set for proxy logs. So it’s much easier to setup reports (general browsing trends, reports by username, or IP address). It works with many types of proxies (MS, Netscape, Bordermanager, etc).

      There’s also a plugin for proxy that can block (or filter) websites based on categories (sex, drugs, illegal, shopping, job searching, etc). It’s called Websense ( it’s comparable to surfwatch… but the updates are all on the proxy, and not on each individual workstation.

      Hope this helps.

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