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  • #2320002

    Motherboard Chipset Fan


    by jeremy ·

    I have a Gigabyte GA-7VAX motherboard with the KT 400 Chipset. Anyhow, the fan on the chipset doesn’t spin while the computer is running and I was wondering if it is temperature controlled and turns on automatically under set conditions, or if it just broken. Thanks for the help.

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    • #3518952

      Motherboard Chipset Fan

      by deadly ernest ·

      In reply to Motherboard Chipset Fan

      Provide that the fan is plug into the right power connector on the motherboard, it should only run when the CPU gets hot enough to warrant running, but I would expect it to be running most of the time. Suggest you check your motheboard manual and make sure the fan is being powered from the cpu fan power coupling and not the spare fan power coupling. If you think the fan may be gone try plugging another fan in seeing what it does.

      That board comes with some built in hardware monitoring capabilities and software, load it up and turn it on and see what it has to say.

    • #3518689

      Motherboard Chipset Fan

      by thechas ·

      In reply to Motherboard Chipset Fan

      Looking over the manual, I suspect that the chip-set fan should be running all the time.

      In BIOS settings, go to the PC Health page, and watch the System Temperature.
      If it is more than 10 or 20 degrees above ambient temperature, you need to replace the fan.

      The manual does say that the fan will not work, and may be damaged if it is plugged in backward.


    • #3386402

      Motherboard Chipset Fan

      by jeremy ·

      In reply to Motherboard Chipset Fan

      This question was closed by the author

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