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  • #2092772

    Motherboard for Athalon?


    by e-dog ·

    As a die hard lover of AMD I didn’t have to think twice about my decision to upgrade from my k62-500 to an athalon 800. I’m up in the air about which motherboard to choose. tomshardware and sharkyextreme seem to narrow it down to the ABIT KT7, the MSI K7T Pro or the ASUS A7V. I like the fact that the asus board has UDMA 100 and I have no need for the RAID technology on the ABIT board, but the MSI board seems to win on the stability. Any suggestions?

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  • Author
    • #3881199

      Motherboard for Athalon?

      by mg80 ·

      In reply to Motherboard for Athalon?

      Hi! I have tried several boards for the AMD processors and I’m sugesting you to be very careful choosing the board. Some of them provide great performance, but when it comes about stability, there is no greater pain than having problems with the components you already own not being compatible with the board. If you are a overclocker try the Abit, but my personal recomendation is the ASUS. Great stability and performance even if the price might be higher. I wouldn’t choose any other board. Trustme ! Good Luck !

    • #3881190

      Motherboard for Athalon?

      by dmiles ·

      In reply to Motherboard for Athalon?

      The ASUS A7V,would be a good choice in the stability and performance,based on reliality and technical support the ASUS would be my choice.

    • #3881134

      Motherboard for Athalon?

      by e-dog ·

      In reply to Motherboard for Athalon?

      This question was closed by the author

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