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  • #2144460

    moving on-prem DC to Azure cloud

    by christomason ·


    I’m looking to find out info on best practice in regards to moving our DC’s to the cloud and not having an on-prem DC. I’m not say replace them with Azure AD but use azure to run two virtual DC’s. Anyone have thoughts or information on the pros and cons of doing this?

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    • #2423639

      moving on-prem DC to Azure cloud

      by shakirqureshi88 ·

      In reply to moving on-prem DC to Azure cloud

      I would suggest you to look at HCSquare too…They provide Hosted Hyperconverged Infrastructure based on Cisco UCS servers, VMware vSphere and VMware vSAN Enterprise that has been adopted by more than 200+ IT service providers.

      Interestingly, they are one of the few companies (the others being VMware and IBM) that offer a hosted metro cluster service, and the only company offering it at price points that start as low $900/month. Their customers/partners tend to be VMware shops, who would like to use the VMware stack but do not want to be in the business of managing DC’s. They provide a metro cluster based ESXi as a service offering with full root and IPMI access.


    • #2422081

      moving on-prem DC to Azure cloud

      by sparrowj ·

      In reply to moving on-prem DC to Azure cloud

      Benefits of Cloud Migration
      Maintaining upscale as per requirements. This saves money for the unused data. It gives opportunities to increase or decrease resources in line according to business needs. Future IT infrastructure and resource allocation are made easy with these benefits. It reduces the workload and so we can concentrate on the main business requirements. Additional cloud-based tools help sin good assessment and migration.
      Reduced cost is another important benefit that makes cloud migration a popular strategy. It is analyzed by Rackspace that 88% of companies save money when running services in the Cloud. Having a local server has ongoing maintenance and support costs that add to the annual budget. Apart from this, we do not need to pay for on-site staff to manage your systems. We do not require purchasing expensive systems and equipment for leveraging resources.
      Remote collaboration
      The cloud environment allows organizations to access remotely. Their other services documents and databases can be accessed from anywhere by using collaboration and communication tools, software, and apps. This enables the worker to collaborate remotely with much effectiveness. Sending files back and forth is inefficient and time-consuming. Fortunately we have cloud computing that reduced the time and labor involved in file sharing.
      Integrating with other systems in a seamless and cost-effective way is possible in the cloud environment.
      Better storage
      Many cloud solution providers offer high-security data storage at a minimum cost. It is easy to expand and shrink the storage based on your requirements in cloud computing. Business with seasonal or periodic data storage requirements, opt for cloud because of these reasons.
      Disaster recovery
      It is easy to recover the data using cloud-based backup and recovery solutions. It saves time and investment for these recovery operations. For smaller companies the cloud-based solutions are most ideal and real.

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