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  • #2140721

    MS Word

    by leeagod ·


    Does someone know how I can download word 2016 on my macbook pro? I tried literally everything (torrent, shady links from the Internet, mac admins, youtube tutorials, I downloaded chrome to access word online which turned out to be the same 365 version I already have which doesn’t help me at all). I need it for my online class. I have a word app but I can’t type in.(I have to activate it by either buying it or logging in an already existing account). My teacher is going to fail me I think. I thought about buying a new laptop but I’m 15 so it ain’t that easy. Thank you.

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      Word for Mac

      by mrmacfixit ·

      In reply to MS Word

      It is usual for online eduction institutions to offer MS Office at a vastly reduced rate.
      Buying a new laptop is not going to solve your Word problem, it will just move it to a newer platform.

      A suggestion, MS offers a free trial of Office:
      that may help you through.
      You will get no help on this forum for activities that are illegal


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