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  • #2082943

    MSAccess 97: User level security.


    by m.r. chambers ·

    I need to be able to set three levels of security on an MS Access 97 DB: one for me (the administrator) with full access, one for the data entry personnel with access to data entry forms and report, but pretty much nothing else, and one for people who just need to print reports (no password for this one). The way I have been looking at involves fiddling with system files for windows, and seems to apply the security system to every Access DB, rather than just my one.

    If anyone could help, I’d REALLY appreciate it.

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    • #3897573

      MSAccess 97: User level security.

      by fofa ·

      In reply to MSAccess 97: User level security.

      I just tossed that last week. But in Microsofts knowledge base there is a document that explains how to do this. It is rather long, but it sets it up pretty good. Allows no userid password access, limit userid password access and admin access. Checkit out there.

    • #3897534

      MSAccess 97: User level security.

      by gartht ·

      In reply to MSAccess 97: User level security.

      The Microsoft Knowledge base article is Q129525.

    • #3897394

      MSAccess 97: User level security.

      by kenowsley ·

      In reply to MSAccess 97: User level security.

      The aformentioned articles are good, but they lack one crucial piece of instruction: how to use multipl workgroup files. This is the key. The typical access installation joins the workstation with the system.mdw workgroup in wither c:\windows or c:\winnt\system32

      Use the /wrkgrp startup option in the icon that points to your app. A typical shorcut might be “c:\office\msaccess.exe /wrkgrp c:\mywrkgrp.mdw c:\mydb.mdb” Of course your paths and file names would be different. Here is another tip: in your custom workgroup, add your own groups and users. You cannot delete the admin user, but you can grant it absolutely no rights. This way, if someone connects to your database without using your custom workgroup (they would connect as “admin” by default) then can’t even open the database object. The user level security in Access is not 100% fool proof, but you can use it to keep most knuckleheaded users out of where they don’t belong. Feel free to e-mail me with questions. Most of my knowledge co

    • #3895093

      MSAccess 97: User level security.

      by bob sellman ·

      In reply to MSAccess 97: User level security.

      I feel that the best way to control access is not to use Access’s built in security, but to write (for your case) three different front ends and place each in a different subdirectory on your server. The MDB file containing the actual data would bein a different directory.

      So we might have:
      \Application\Data (MDB file(s) with actual data)

      Then you use network security to control access to each directory so that Viewers only have access to the Viewers and Data directories, while Administrator(s) can go to all four directories.

      You could, in addition, set up a login using a userlist table in the database, but using the network security method described above has worked extremely well for me.

    • #3892668

      MSAccess 97: User level security.

      by donq ·

      In reply to MSAccess 97: User level security.

      Golly – so many complicated suggestions for such a simple problem… Build a query “QueryGetAll” that builds every field and every record everyone needs. Copy it to “QueryGetSome” and eliminate Fields and/or records as needed via constraints. Repeat the process for “QueryGetSomethingElse” or whatever until you have Dynaset recordset’s for thise needing Read/Write or Snapshots for those needing whatever and assign user permissions via UserID (LogIn ID) to the appropriate people or groups. Copy, copy, copy so you finish everything very quickly! – Don Quigg

    • #3742176

      MSAccess 97: User level security.

      by m.r. chambers ·

      In reply to MSAccess 97: User level security.

      This question was auto closed due to inactivity

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