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  • #2073726

    MSProxy, Telnet port and Attachmate’s TC


    by robbiel ·

    I just recently installed MSProxy; we use Attachmate’s Intercom to connect to a Unisys A Series. If I install the WinSock Proxy Client (so I can enable POP3 and SMTP), I can no longer reach the A.
    According to the configuration of the Attachmate paths it says it uses Telnet port 23 to communicate. I tried opening that port on the Proxy, no go. Attachmate is no help.

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    • #3776437

      MSProxy, Telnet port and Attachmate’s TC

      by corky132 ·

      In reply to MSProxy, Telnet port and Attachmate’s TC

      I would glance at the proxy logs for the winsock service and see where it is attempting to make a connection. It may start on port 23, but subsequent connections may be over different ports.. the proxy log should tell you, then open up those ports. The file will be named WS060900.log (for today’s log)

      • #3784420

        MSProxy, Telnet port and Attachmate’s TC

        by robbiel ·

        In reply to MSProxy, Telnet port and Attachmate’s TC

        Nice try, but no… stays on port 23. All the log told me was I was getting a connection timeout… same thing the program was telling me.

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