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  • #2144563

    How to stream multiple PC screens on one PC?

    by gsxrdannyy ·

    Hello everyone, first post here. I know my title may sound very vague so I will try my best to explain what I’m looking for.

    I am looking for a software based application that allows me to pull video from multiple PCs to one Host PC over a network. I want to be able to project that PC onto a screen and view the other PCs connected to it via the software. I don’t need remote capabilities only a video feed. Now this application has to be IP based, I can’t have multiple cables running from all the clients to the host PC.

    My question to you all is, have any of you ever heard of such an application? If so any information on it would be very helpful. Thank you all in advance.

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    • #2423577

      WOW! Thats a Mouthful

      by ·

      In reply to How to stream multiple PC screens on one PC?

      I really am interested in knowing how anyone would actually do this. My guess is a really well synced relayed software. But that depends on how GREAT your rig is actually.
      Looking forward to your query being answered.

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