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  • #2243336

    Music industry proposes anti-priacy surcharge on ISPs


    by rfink ·

    Our friends are at it again. Now they want everyone to pay because they can’t stop piracy.

    I don’t downline music files, why should I have to pay for someone else’s hobby? If I do have to pay I will start though.

    Here’s the link:

    What do you think?

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    • #2575125

      Couldn’t work. Could it?

      by bizzo ·

      In reply to Music industry proposes anti-priacy surcharge on ISPs

      I don’t download music. p2p or paid, so why should I pay to be online?

      What about deaf people? Would they be charged by their ISP?

      If they did start charging then shouldn’t offical music downloads be free. After all who would want to pay twice?

      Also, if we were charged, would that mean that p2p music file sharing would no longer be illegal? As we’d already be paying compensation to the artists.

    • #2575121

      Why should

      by cmiller5400 ·

      In reply to Music industry proposes anti-priacy surcharge on ISPs

      Why should I pay for somebody else’s problem? I buy all my music legally through Napster. It costs me $$ but I know that I won’t have the RIAA on my butt. Same thing goes for movies; I buy them. Cheaper than the MPAA suing me.

    • #2574839

      RIAA Math Problem

      by thechas ·

      In reply to Music industry proposes anti-priacy surcharge on ISPs

      The issue I have with the RIAA and the movie industry and compensation for unpurchased media is their faulty math.

      Going back to the 1960’s when cassette recorders became popular, the RIAA has presumed that every blank tape sold was a lost sale. Same with the movie industry and video recorders. I seriously doubt that if by some magic all downloading and file sharing ceased that sales would increase by more than 10%.

      The same factors that drove recording LPs onto cassette tapes are still in place today for sharing MP3 files.

      1. The music industry did not embrace and support the new technology with a means to purchase a quality legitimate product at a reasonable price. Thus, the consumer who desired the new technology had to find alternate ways to get it. When the music industry finally provided product with the new technology, the quality was inferior and the availability was limited. Reinforcing the underground effort.

      2. Economics also plays a big part. Teens who are the music industries main market have a limited entertainment budget. Generally, they will purchase content they like the best and borrow content that they just enjoy. Add in movies, video games and the myriad other entertainment options that did not exist 20 years ago, and there is that much less money available to spend on music.

      3. Despite the RIAA math, every blank media is not used for pirate recording. I still use VHS tapes for time shifting programs that I am not able to watch in real time. Every blank CD and DVD I buy ends up with data files or my personal pictures.

      4. From what I observe with my children and there friends, downloaded music is not the big problem. The lack of quality content that kids feel is worth paying for is the big issue.

      The RIAA could have a bigger impact on the sales of new music by holding artists up to some moral and ethical standards. And for that matter, the record industry executives as well. Cut back on the out of control lavish life styles and excesses of some artists and executives, and people might believe that the cost of music is worth it.


    • #2574835

      Amen to that…

      by boxfiddler ·

      In reply to Music industry proposes anti-priacy surcharge on ISPs

      “I don’t downline music files, why should I have to pay for someone else’s hobby? If I do have to pay I will start though.”

      They start charging me for it, I start doing it.

    • #2574720

      Wow, they are nearly at the ultimate plea

      by tony hopkinson ·

      In reply to Music industry proposes anti-priacy surcharge on ISPs

      for a dying industry.

      You guys should buy their stuff as a patriotic duty, after all it’s american.


      Brings to mind Spike Milligan and his mates at the end of sketch in Q8.

      They used to shuffle off the stage chanting “What are we gonna do now”.

      Nearly as funny as well.

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