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  • #4263971

    My Apple iPhone is unable to run google products like google chrome

    by wenrace0 ·


    Hello everyone.
    I have a google phone and it is unable to run the google products. What is the issue with it. Can anyone guide me. Thanks and looking for valuable advices.

    • This topic was modified 4 months, 2 weeks ago by Avatar photokees_b.
    • This topic was modified 4 months, 2 weeks ago by Avatar photobirdmantd.

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    • #4263973
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      Reply To: My Apple iPhone is unable to run google products like google chrome

      by kees_b ·

      In reply to My Apple iPhone is unable to run google products like google chrome

      Your subject lines says “apple phone”, your post says “google phone”. Can you tell which is right?

      And can you tell what “unable to run” exactly is? Is it “unable to install”? If so, what happens if choose it from the App store?
      Or is it installed, but doesn’t open if you click on it? What happens then: just nothing (while Safari and other apps run fine) or do you get some error message?

      It’s impossible to find the cause in a forum. So all I can advice: do what says to get your iPhone back to factory conditions. Then you should be able to install and run any Google product from the App store.

    • #4263984
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      Reply To: My Apple iPhone is unable to run google products like google chrome

      by birdmantd ·

      In reply to My Apple iPhone is unable to run google products like google chrome

      It would help to know exactly what model phone and iOS version that you are using. What specific error message are you getting? Apple and Google products/applications tend to not work well together. For instance, with an iPhone, you shop applications through the iTunes store and with Android you do it through the Google Play Store. The application may be available in both formats but written to operate on one operating system and not the same application download for both.

      • This reply was modified 4 months, 2 weeks ago by Avatar photobirdmantd.
    • #4264440

      Reply To: My Apple iPhone is unable to run google products like google chrome

      by DediRock ·

      In reply to My Apple iPhone is unable to run google products like google chrome

      That sounds frustrating!
      Check if your Google account is synced properly by going to Settings > Accounts. If it’s still not working, clearing the cache and data of the Google apps might help. If none of that works, a factory reset could resolve deeper software conflicts. Hope this helps!

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