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  • #2143181

    my computer will not post

    by jmforever999 ·


    My computer will not post (no display on screen)
    Things ive tried: checked the ram only 1 stick in each slots, tested the expantion pci express, removed every peripheral other than mouse&keyboard (tried them in different usb ports) also tried onboard grafix and reset bios.

    ASUS ROG Maximus IX Code LGA1151 Corsair Dominator Platinum 16GB
    Intel Core i7-7700K
    ASUS GeForce GTX 960

    Most of the components were purchased about 4 years ago

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    • #2418184

      Start with the easy things

      by oh smeg ·

      In reply to my computer will not post

      Have you tested the Power Supply. Just because the lights come on doesn’t mean that the Power Supply is working or that it has voltage or current on all Rails.

      But the way to Fault Find with any system is reduce it to he mininum and see if it posts from there. If it does then add one component at a time and continue till it stops posting or is fully assembled and working.

      So the way to do that is remove all but the CPU and Power Supply connectors from the M’Board and Power Supply connectors and apply power. Listen for Beeps from the M’Board which tell you what the Board is doing the Beep Codes should be in the M’Board Manual so you can find out what if anything is wrong with the M’Board.

      Then add 1 RAM Module at a time till you have as much RAM as you want on the M’Board or it stops posting. Quite often you need matched RAM so generally that means Pairs of RAM and you should add them in to the matching RAM Sockets which are normally coloured so first add 1 Module to the first yellow socket and the second to the other yellow RAM Socket.

      A lot of the time if you have 1 pair of Modules fitted the next pair need to be matched to the first or the system will not POST which is a RAM Error and not easy to get around without replacing all of the RAM with Matched Sets.

      After you have the RAM loaded and the board POSTing you can add a Video Card and so on and so on till it is fully assembeled.

    • #2418167

      Here are a few questions…

      by revenantspawn ·

      In reply to my computer will not post

      1) Did you put the processor in correctly?
      2) Are there bent pins on the LGA socket?
      3) Is the processor cooler connected?
      4) Is the CPU power connector(s) plugged in all the way, or even at all?
      5) Is the ATX 20+4 pin connector inserted all the way?

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