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    My Dell Optiplex 3010 MT will not boot with anything in DIMM1

    by henrysargeant2007 ·


    Hi, I recently successfully case swapped my optiplex 3010 MT into an ATX case and everything went smoothly except from when I tried to make it post.
    Even though it would not post, everything was plugged in on the MOBO and sounded right. 
    When trying to fix my problem I removed 1x 4g (I have 2x4g in total) DDR3 ram stick from the 1st (2 TOTAL) DIMM slot on the MOBO and it posted fine. I thought it was a broken ram stick in DIMM 1 (the one I removed) so I switched the sticks over and it still didn’t boot. So the ram sticks were ok but there was something else wrong which I could not figure out…..
    Please as I do not want to buy/use only 1 DIMM slot as not only is that ridiculous, but I am on a very cheap budget.

    I forgot to mention, yes I did rewire everything 100% correctly and the front USBs on the new case work like a charm (tested when only DIMM2 was active with ram).

    Thanks so much and please reply!

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