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    My laptop is turned on, but there is no display.

    by rohank11001 ·

    Hey there,

    About a year ago, I bought a laptop for my company. My laptop recently stopped operating, and I figured it was due to a Windows issue. When I turn on the power, the fan works for a few seconds and the lights turn on, but the display remains blank. I thought it was a RAM issue, so I cleaned it out, but the issue still exists? What are your opinion on the subject?

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      Re: no display

      by kees_b ·

      In reply to My laptop is turned on, but there is no display.

      – What exactly is “cleaning out the RAM”?
      – Why did you switch from thinking it was a Windows issue to thinking it was a RAM issue?

      I’d have it repaired, if you can’t fix it yourself. Let’s hope that “about a year ago” is “somewhat less than a year ago” or that you have 2 years of warranty. Then the repair will be free.

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