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  • #2140406

    My website is not working for me, but it is for others

    by jag_man653 ·


    I abruptly stopped receiving emails sent to email addresses at my personal website, e.g., Windows diagnostics say that the site is online but not responding.

    I’m also unable to access the website from my home computers, but I can access other websites. Deepening the mystery, friends can access my site, and I can access them from my cell phone.

    To me, this suggests that my ISP, Spectrum (Times Warner Cable), has a Domain Name Server that isn’t working. However, I’ve spent several hours with Spectrum customer support and they say it’s not their problem since I can access other website from my home computers. I’ve been trying to contact my website hosting service,, but they have yet to responded

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    • #2414288
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      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to My website is not working for me, but it is for others

      1. Your choice to use an ISP’s DNS or not.
      Here’s an article on how to change:

      Here I tend to use Opera’s built-in VPN.

      • #2414237

        Opera VPN

        by jag_man653 ·

        In reply to Remember

        I have no experience with VPN, so I’m flying blind here.
        I installed Opera and activated VPN. sometime I can get to the website, but it loads very slowly. sometime it times out. When it does load I can see my stuff, include the meta menu, so I can administer the site. That’s good, I wouldn’t want to limp along very while in VPN.

        So at this point I’m dot sure I’ve gained much from Opera & VPN.
        Please excuse my ignorance if I’m missing your point.

        I’m pretty sure it’s a Spectrum problem since tracert shows it times out at what I believe is a Spectrum server. But when I talk to spectrum tech support they say it ain’t so. I’m also hobbled by total lack of communication with my website host. It used to be an independent, It was merged into a larger company who was then bought by IBM. I thinking about moving the website to another hosting service but don’t know if that will help other than perhaps having DNS servers closer to where I live. I’d also dump Spectrum and move back to AT&T DSL, but I might lose a couple orders of magnitude of download speed since I’m getting 450 from Spectrum.

      • #2414215

        Trace route

        by jag_man653 ·

        In reply to Remember

        I’ve been looking at trace routes to my website My brother-in-law in Phoenix and I both show the first 9 hops roll right along under 16 ms. Then there is a “request time-out” at a node like this: The trace from brother-in-law differs from mine (in the LA area) in the first three position, but both are identical in the last 2, i.e., My guess is “” is a Spectrum server near LAX. Is that a reasonable guess? If so, doesn’t this mean it’s a Spectrum issue? And, if Spectrum refuses to acknowledge it what are my options? Ditch Spectrum? Or is there a way I can force the routing that will avoid the Spectrum LAX server?

        • #2414211
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          Re: Lax

          by kees_b ·

          In reply to Trace route

          Seems a reasonable guess. Their customer service should be able to tell you. If no Spectrum user can reach the site, and any non Spectrum user can, it clearly is their issue. Did you try on your 3G/4G/5G tablet or phone?

          You can’t tell any intermediate hop what to do. So it might very well be a solution to find another ISP. Or another hosting company that Spectrum has no issues with.

        • #2414802
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          The VPN nearly worked. To me

          by rproffitt ·

          In reply to Trace route

          This points to possible DNS issues.

          But first, IS A LIE.
          Back in 2004 at IVC was called out about this issue.

          While I’d give them time to correct this error the fact that it’s been about 17 years without a correction changes my view from a mistake to a lie.

          So while you could work around DNS and access with a good VPN and other DNS use, it appears the real cause is your hosting.

          Case closed.

    • #2414287
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      Re: site

      by kees_b ·

      In reply to My website is not working for me, but it is for others

      – What Windows diagnostics say something (like “online, but not responding”) about a website.
      – Can you visit your website when you enter it’s IP-address in the address bar of your router? That circumvents the DNS.
      – Do you see a significant difference between the output of these 2 commands in the command prompt: (1) ping and (2) ping .If the second is fine and the first give an error message, that also is an error in the DNS.

      • #2414236

        IP address vs. site name

        by jag_man653 ·

        In reply to Re: site

        When I put the router address in the address bar I’m taken to my router admin.
        What am I missing?

    • #2414252


      by naheed mir ·

      In reply to My website is not working for me, but it is for others

      Your website might not be working for you due to the following reasons:

      1. Your local network or firewall may be blocking network requests to your website.
      2. Your home DNS server is out of date

      • #2414235

        Firewall & “home DNS”

        by jag_man653 ·

        In reply to Reasons

        I have temporarily turned firewall off… no effect on the problem.

        Don’t know what you mean by “home DNS.” Perhaps my Linksys WRT 1900 AC router? I have rebooted it numerous time and factory reset several times at the insistence of Spectrum’s script-following customer support.

    • #2414241


      by macdaemon ·

      In reply to My website is not working for me, but it is for others

      I’d also try flushing DNS (open command line, type
      ipconfig /flushdns
      there and hit Enter).

      Also, I’d check the hosts file. It’s here c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts. Open it with Notepad and check if there’s anything related to your website domain or IP address. There must not be anything related to it.

      • #2414233

        Flush and hosts

        by jag_man653 ·

        In reply to flush

        I did the flush early in this episode. No help. I just checked host file. It’s empty.

    • #2414805

      My website is not working for me, but it is for others

      by Old Molases280 ·

      In reply to My website is not working for me, but it is for others

      By any chance did you change your hosting? If your answer to this question is yes, then you might be facing this issue until the migration is completed. So, is the case with emails. You will start getting emails once the migration is completed.

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