Social Networking Forum


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  • #2236475

    MySpace cookies


    by lcribbes ·

    Was wondering if anyone could help me by giving me a quick explanation of the various cookies MySpace uses! I am carrying out a project looking at the types of information left on a computer from a forensic perspective by social networking sites such as MySpace, Bebo and Facebook just in case anyone think I’m tryin to break into someone else’s account!

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  • Author
    • #2616941


      by lcribbes ·

      In reply to MySpace cookies


    • #2616909

      You probably already know this,

      by ic-it ·

      In reply to MySpace cookies

      but the bigger danger would be from file slack space and from drive space. These are filled with remanents of your old data and from the swap/page file and may include unencrypted passwords etc.
      Sorry about the original inquiry, I do not visit any of those sites.

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