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  • #2073695

    Need a quick Script


    by pcammuso ·

    I am not familiar with Unix Shell scripting so I was hoping someone could help me create a simple script.

    I need to tar the entire contents of directory /usr/local/backup into a file.
    I would like the file to be named
    date_backup.tar (ie 06jun2000_backup.tar)
    Then take that filename and compress it to a .Z file then move that filename onto another filesystem /disk1_backup

    That’s it! Also, if you could recommend a good, easy to understand Unix Shell Scripting Book.

    For you guru’s, I’m sure this isn’t tough, so it’s a quick way to get 250 points


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    • #3894828

      Need a quick Script

      by hugevlad ·

      In reply to Need a quick Script

      Hello Paul,
      Voila your script:
      ===== cut ======
      fname=/tmp/`date +%d%b%Y`_backup.tar
      tar -cvf $fname /usr/local/backup
      gzip $fname
      cp $fname.gz /disk1_backup
      rm $fname.gz
      ===== cut ======

      1. Make sure, that there is enough free space on file system with /tmp directory.
      2. I use in my script gzip (GNU zip) program, which add “.gz” extention to the original name and remove original file. If you use other compress utilities, make appropriate changes.

      About Unix Shell Scripting Book. I have read one little book (in Russian) and look throu douzen scripts, written by other people. This is a good way to learn shell scripting. Also, try search some books at O’Relly.

      With best regards,

      • #3894793

        Need a quick Script

        by pcammuso ·

        In reply to Need a quick Script


        That was great! Thanks for the quick response.


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