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  • #2139577

    need help in excel


    by pkarunakar1 ·


    Ashworth Neil08-12-2013STD, I wan to take the Name alone from the text for e.g Ashworth Neil…. please can anyone provide the formula

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    • #3038489

      Use Text To Columns Method

      by clickripplesolutions ·

      In reply to need help in excel

      Select the particular cell you want to split, goto “Text-to-columns” under “Data” menu. Choose “Fixed Width” separator option. You can use this for any number of cells at once.

    • #3038729

      Another solution…

      by ianr1 ·

      In reply to need help in excel

      Copy the cells you want to break up into a text file, then import the file using space and 0 as your delimiters, take cells you need back into your original Excel file.

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