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  • #2140422

    Need help on choosing the best option for gaming laptop

    by pickle_sensei ·


    I need answers on which one to get for my gaming? What would you suggest buying?
    Hp pavillion 16 i5/GTX 1660ti max-q (i have heard about the thermal issues)
    Lenovo legion 5 AMD 5/ GTX 1650ti
    Acer nitro 5 i7/ GTX 1650
    MSI GL65 leopard i5/GTX 1650ti (low battery life?)
    They all come at around the same price and i am really confused on which to choose.
    Thanks for the info!

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    • #2413637
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      Let’s start with battery time (life.)

      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to Need help on choosing the best option for gaming laptop

      If you read reviews about such you find that battery time is highly variable. I see from 1 to 10 or more hours depending on use. So it’s safe to say that gaming will give you the lowest battery times. Use such as browsing the web gives us hours of use so are you looking for a laptop with more than a hour or two of gaming time? Short answer, there are none. For now, this is something of maybe in the future.

      My nod here is to the Intel i5 1660 model as it most likely can game a little better than the 1650ti but then the i7 does have that going for it. What would be my choice? The i7 since I use it for more than gaming and the 1650 is not a bad spot for gaming.

    • #2413617


      by naheed mir ·

      In reply to Need help on choosing the best option for gaming laptop

      Don’t go for the MSI GL65 leopard i5/GTX 1650ti as it has low battery life.
      Also, Hp Pavillion 16 i5/GTX 1660ti max-q have some thermal issue so skip it
      from your list too. Among the remaining, I will suggest going for Lenovo.

      • #2413608
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        A quick look.

        by rproffitt ·

        In reply to Lenovo

        Did not find low battery time (life.) It was OK.

        Please folk, there is no laptop made (yet) that can get much past a hour while gaming. This is not low battery life.

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