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  • #2140627

    Need to delete system files on MacBook.

    by ltbrad ·


    Hi everybody,
    I wanted to try Big Sur and my MacBook SSD was too short on space, so I installed it on an external SSD and booted from there. Now I want to install Big Sur on the Mac Book. I cleared off all files to another external SDD to free up space – around 40GB. My first attempt at installing on the Mac resulted in an install hang. I restarted and tried to install again, and this time was told I lacked space. The first install attempt had placed a large System file on the Mac before it hung.
    I am okay with keeping all my data on the external but would like to not require it hanging on the side as my boot drive. Kinda makes a desktop out of my laptop.

    How do I delete this bogus System folder to free up some space so I can proceed with an install?


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