Need to Increase Dedicated Video Memory – intel HD Graphics 620
Hello Everyone,
I’m trying to solve an issue that many past PC games have with newer video cards. I Need to increase Dedicated Video Memory from 128 to 512 or 1024mb. (i know its a “fake” but game studder & lag with 128 DVM)Specs : ACER Laptop Aspire 5 , i5-7200 CPU @ 2.5GHz
8 GB RAM, Intel Graphics HD 620 Video Card.
Windows 10, 64bit file system
Many sources online point that it can be done by Registry – opening up
a GMM folder under Software/intel & placing a hex key for that. but since last driver update it doesn’t work anymore.If anyone knows of a way to do it please let me know.
Thx in advance.Pepe
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