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  • #2142124

    need to remove wallpaper screensaver restriction from domain machine

    by sachypawar84 ·


    My all machine right now not connected to domain they all are in private network and no one coming to office and urgently i need to apply wallpaper and screen saver on all the machine.

    domain policy not allow to me change the wallpaper settings because its block from AD and they are login in to AD account.

    So, I need to change wallpaper and screen saver remotely to all the users machine.

    please let me know how i need to stop this restriction of wallpaper and screen saver or any other solution like script or software.

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    • #2413915

      Re: remove

      by keesb2 ·

      In reply to need to remove wallpaper screensaver restriction from domain machine

      If it’s blocked by domain policy, you contact the domain administrator to change it.

      Moreover, the situation is far from clear, and your post is confusing. What’s the exact relation between domain, private network, office, AD, AD account, remotely? What restrictions are set in what way? What’s your role in the company?

      Also the reason for an urgent change of wall paper and screen saver settings isn’t clear.

      • #2413913


        by sachypawar84 ·

        In reply to Re: remove

        Dear Sir,

        Due to covid 19 all our staff is working from home and when they are in the office that time machine is in domain and it’s sync with domain
        Now few days back one award function is happened online and now they want to apply that values on every one’s laptop as a wallpaper and screen saver.
        Now they all are at home and they don’t have any connectivity to office network and wallpaper and screen saver change restrictions policy already applied on users laptop now they are not ready to come office hence management request to do this remotely.. and when we are trying to make change from users AD account login the applied domain policy not allow me to make change..
        So in that case how I can do this??
        Even we don’t have any connectivity from outside network like… VPN
        They had gievn me deadline for this activity that’s why I said this is urgent..
        I hope this will clear..
        I just need to stop applied resticted policy for wallpaper and screen saver..

        • #2413912


          by sachypawar84 ·

          In reply to Wallpapers

          I am only handling domain for my office

        • #2413907

          Re: domain

          by keesb2 ·

          In reply to Wallpapers

          Then ask the management to have everybody come to the office before the end of their deadline. Make a schedule so that every employee comes in his own time slot (which should be long enough for you to fix it).

          Be sure there is coffee and tea and a free mouth cap for them, that they are paid for the hours spent and travel expenses and there is enough alcohol or whatever you use to clean every laptop thoroughly before handling it.

          I wonder how urgent this stays if you explain this is the only solution.

        • #2413905


          by sachypawar84 ·

          In reply to Re: domain

          Dear friend,

          I already did all the arguments with management and my boss even writing a email without domain sync this will be not possible and my boss is already gievn commitment to our chairman..
          They are very sacred about covid..
          And don’t know what to do??
          And it’s come for chairman than it’s urgent only.. I already said this is not possible at local end but still they force me..

        • #2413900

          Re: urgent

          by keesb2 ·

          In reply to Domain

          Then suggest you hire an external consultant to help you since you don’t know how to do it.

          There is nothing wrong with asking for outside help if there’s something local staff can’t do. Most companies are happy with having their own staff for the more or less routine business and hire someone for the very specialised stuff in very special cases like this.

        • #2413896


          by sachypawar84 ·

          In reply to Re: urgent

          I think you don’t know anything you just doing time pass while replaying.
          even you don’t know the answer.
          I should understand this after your first revert.

          thanks please don’t revert.

        • #2413893

          Your being an obstinate, uninformed,

          by phayte ·

          In reply to Domain

          uneducated, and obtuse moron! Why attack someone attempting to help you?
          Hey, if you don’t have access to the domain controller, you CANNOT change screensaver and wallpaper settings…period! If any “admin” setup the domain server where these types of settings could be done remotely, then it would be simple to hack the entire domain and take CnC of it. Go read and learn something about security before you make an even bigger fool of yourself.

        • #2413892


          by sachypawar84 ·

          In reply to Your being an obstinate, uninformed,

          Hello you uneducated.. u don’t understand my question ❓
          After multiple explains u will understand ?
          I have not invited you to answer my questions ?
          But the way u answer actually u look like unprofessional..
          Mey be your experts.. don’t take me’s mey be.. I am sure u not..
          Anyways sometimes we think out of the box..
          And I have applied wallpaper now testing for screen saver.. and thanks for your compliments otherwise I can’t do this..
          And about my experience I had 14 years of IT experience.. and I always want to think out of the box.. not like u

        • #2413888

          Re: domain

          by keesb2 ·

          In reply to Domain

          Glad to read you solved the problem yourself. Your boss will be very happy.

        • #2413887


          by sachypawar84 ·

          In reply to Re: domain

          Yes,he will be happy but screen saver issue still not sloved..
          But I will slove this issue also.
          I am sorry if I hurt u.
          Forgive me ?

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