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  • #2143115

    Need to run two routers off Rocket Fiber hand off device.

    by vr6gtiss ·


    Our business recently switched to Rocket Fiber which provides a hand-off device with a single ethernet port. Our account includes a /29 static IP block.

    We use two routers, one is a consumer Asus model for our LAN in the store and the other is from our VoIP provider which runs to a POE switch for the phones.

    My question is how do I convert the single port on the RF hand-off device to at least two ports, each with a dedicated IP in the static block for each router. Is this just a matter of installing a managed switch behind the hand off device? If so, can you recommend a simple to use managed switch for the guy (me) who has become the defacto IT person and knows just enough to be dangerous?

    Thanks in advance,

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