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  • #4272236

    Need to troubleshoot for Laptop Keyboard autotyping & Windows autoscrolling

    by bsai14341 ·

    Hello! Recently, I have faced this issue. My laptops keyboard is autotyping itself (only one key at a time but keeps changing the keys on different times) on any text editor window or browser address bar. I don’t know what is the root cause for it.

    I have tried almost all the possible ways to troubleshoot and fix it. Nothing has worked for me.

    I am seeking your help to fix it and make it normal. I want to troubleshoot and fix the issue on my Windows laptop. My intuition tells that it’s not the hardware issue.

    I’m unable to decide whether it is caused due to virus or malware or any kind of hardware malfunction. I request you all kindly to help me resolve in this issue.

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      Reply To: Need to troubleshoot for Laptop Keyboard autotyping & Windows autoscrolling

      by kees_b ·

      In reply to Need to troubleshoot for Laptop Keyboard autotyping & Windows autoscrolling

      Make a USB-stick with Linux and boot from that. If it still happens, it’s hardware, if all is OK it’s software.

      Next step:
      – If it is software, do a clean reinstall of Windows or go back to factory conditions.
      – If it’s hardware replace the keyboard in the laptop.

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