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  • #2144672

    Needing guidance on purchase please!

    by marty73 ·


    Short background: Years ago, I was into bulding, modding, gaming, overclocking, the whole works. Kids came along and the money just wasn’t there for the longest time, so I’ve fallen out of things quite a bit. Fast forward to today, my almost 10 year old laptop is, as you can expect; well past its prime. I am not looking for alternative suggestions to the replacement models I am considering for very specific reasons I won’t get into as it is not really relevant.

    Planned usage will mainly be everyday stuff. I do some photo editing from time to time, and I’d like to get into some gaming again, but nothing cutting edge. I miss WOW, LOL. I want to look into GW2, maybe Dark Souls 3, but these are all secondary concerns and again the main use will just be basic day to day stuff.

    What I AM looking for is some insight as to the price difference between the 2 models I am considering and why the lower priced one SEEMS from my research to be the better spec’d system. Granted I have been out of the scene for some time as I mentioned, so maybe there’s something obvious I am missing and that’s why I am here to get input from folks that are surely more up to speed on the latest and greatest than I am.

    Option 1:
    MSI GP62MVRX1264 15.6″ Leopard Pro-1264 VR Ready
    Intel Core i7 i7-7700HQ Quad-core
    NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060
    1TB HDD
    256GB SSD
    Running about $1350.00 from what I am seeing.

    Option 2:
    MSI GL639SDK611, 15.6
    i7-9750H 6 core
    NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti.
    1TB HDD (added but included in cost below)
    512GB SSD
    Running about $1025.00 from what I am seeing.

    Again, only looking for thoughts on why the 2nd option which to me looks to be spec’d better is going for so much less. Could it just be branding (i.e. the GP line being a tier above the GL line) with MSI maybe, and just paying more for the perceived better product? Or am I legit just completely overlooking something major that would account for Option 1 being the better choice and worth $325.00 more.

    Thanks in advance for any input you all can provide!

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